Responsible campsite in Gérardmer

At Camping Les Granges Bas, we’re constantly on the move, driven by our passion for the continuous improvement of our campsite. Our commitment to our customers and our environment guides every project we undertake and every decision we make.

We are committed to protecting our environment, both in our daily lives and in our professional activities. If you choose our campsite, it’s also because you attach importance to preserving nature during your travels. Discover our concrete actions for a more ecological and environmentally-friendly campsite.

Responsible equipment for a trouble-free stay

Commitment to Renewable Energy

In 2024, we decided to turn to renewable energies by installing 51 photovoltaic panels on the roof of the main building. This initiative should enable us to cut our electricity consumption by 25% and reduce our energy dependency. This project was made possible thanks to the support of Climaxion and the Région Grand Est.


Accommodations that meet the latest environmental standards

Each new accommodation we welcome will offer optimum comfort thanks to insulation to the latest standards. These new constructions, mainly made of wood, will guarantee a pleasant thermal experience in both summer and winter. Discover our all-wood tiny houses and chalets for a comfortable vacation in a cosy cocoon.

Ecological Household Kits

In each accommodation, you’ll find a cleaning kit including reusable and eco-certified products, as well as washable equipment to enable you to clean or do the dishes without generating additional waste.

There’s no need to pack your bags, everything is provided and everything is washable or refillable.

Pas besoin de vous encombrer, tout est prévu et tout est lavable ou remplissable.

Waste Management

We have set up an efficient waste management system in each rental unit, with three-stream sorting garbage cans (for glass, recyclables and household waste) and bio-bins for plant waste. We also have compost bins on the campsite, enabling compost to be reused for planting the grounds.

To take this zero-waste idea a step further, we’ve decided to install an anti-waste fridge on the campsite. The fridge is available to all. The aim of the fridge is to reduce food waste. Rather than throwing away what you haven’t eaten and what is still edible, leave it in the fridge or on the shelf for other campers to enjoy.

Anti-Plastic Initiatives

To reduce plastic waste, we use reusable cups for welcome drinks and no longer distribute bread bags in the morning. What’s more, we offer a “responsible camper” kit for stays of more than a week, including various ecological equipment and a sorting guide in three languages. And we’re happy to serve your morning coffee in your own container.

Local partnerships for responsible consumption

Local products

We favor local products and partnerships with regional producers for our bar offerings. Our drinks come mainly from the surrounding area, and our charcuterie/cheese boards are made with products from the Val d’Ajol. So you won’t find any of the big brands of soda at the bar, but their local cousins. Take the opportunity to try a good beer brewed in Xertigny by La Golaye, or an Alsatian white wine from our favorite winemakers Meyer Krumb.

Promoting local producers

We also showcase small local producers at our aperitifs, offering regional products such as juices from SCEA Millefruits, petits crus from the Vosges or cheese from Xatis Amet. What’s more, we work with passionate local restaurateurs to bring you a variety of food trucks every summer. And we work with like-minded restaurants for our full-board offer: Le Relais des Bucherons, La Marmite Gourmande, Au Relais Boulas, Chant du Bois.

Our social commitment

Support for associations

We believe that as entrepreneurs, we have a social role to play.

Throughout the year, we work with ESAT Les Pins, located less than 20 minutes from the campsite. We use their services for our laundry. This association helps to integrate disabled people into the workplace.

Every summer, we organize “tartes flambées” evenings at the campsite. What’s the link with supporting associations, you might ask? Well, it’s quite simple: AO2A is an association based in Gérardmer that raises funds for medical research. Indeed, their children suffer from a disease called Ataxia Apraxia Oculomotrice type 2 (AOA2), for which there is currently no treatment in France. During their camping evenings, the association’s aim is to make as much profit as possible, and then make donations to support research into this rare disease.

Every summer, we organize “tartes flambées” evenings at the campsite. What’s the link with supporting associations, you might ask? Well, it’s quite simple: AO2A is an association based in Gérardmer that raises funds for medical research. Indeed, their children suffer from a disease called Ataxia Apraxia Oculomotrice type 2 (AOA2), for which there is currently no treatment in France. During their camping evenings, the association’s aim is to make as much profit as possible, and then make donations to support research into this rare disease.

There’s also something about this campsite that’s close to our hearts, and we’d like to tell you about it. As you may have read in some of the older comments, there are sometimes unpleasant smells that invade the campsite, impure waves that blow in the wind. We know where these odors come from. They come from the nearby wastewater treatment plant, run by a local textile manufacturer. Since we took over the campsite, work has been carried out by the Parmentelat company, which is a step in the right direction, since our common objective was to reduce these nuisances.

At Camping Les Granges Bas, we are committed to continuing our efforts to preserve our environment and offer our customers a sustainable, nature-friendly camping experience. Your support and feedback are essential in helping us achieve this.