Tired of staying in your mobile home? Would you like to let your children play with their new friends? We’ve got everything you need for those convivial moments…
2 rooms, 2 atmospheres
There are 2 ways to spend quality time with family and friends (in the dry):
The bar
As well as sampling our local produce, we’re happy to welcome you to the bar for board game evenings during the vacations. Games are freely available and can be borrowed.
An open-access piano allows all musicians to come and play whenever they like.
We welcome you to the bar for breakfasts taken on site.
During sporting events, this is where you can cheer on your favorite team.
The common room
Open from April until the campsite closes, this room is located at the top of the campsite, not far from the swimming pool and playground, ideal for children’s get-togethers. It’s also a great place to get together and eat together (privatization possible).
In this room, you’ll find a range of board games and puzzles, as well as a shared library with books for all ages.
Mais ce n’est pas tout ! Vous y trouverez également 2 frigidaires.
One is available to campers 24 hours a day to store fresh produce during their stay. And in the other, you can put any food you have left over at the end of your stay, so as not to waste it. The anti-garbage fridge and the anti-garbage corner, a good idea for sharing and avoiding food waste.
The playground
Installed in 2023, this playground is designed primarily for children aged 3 to 12. With swings, trampolines, climbing apparatus and bumper cars, your children can play safely just a few steps from the terrace, while you enjoy a guilt-free snack.
Games for young and old
At the campsite, you can also challenge your friends and family.
Table de ping pong, baby foot, terrains de pétanque… Tout est à disposition pour jouer en famille ou entre amis. Et nous vous prêtons plein d’autres jeux sur demande (Mollky, palets bretons, Kubb, ballons …). Il n’y a pas de place à l’ennui pendant les vacances au camping les Granges Bas.